Friday, October 15, 2010

Planes, Trains and Automobiles...well, no Planes anyway.

So we wrapped the first day of shooting! It was tough....I sat in a train car at a booth for about 3 hours and watched them move the lights and cameras around. Hurry up and wait I guess? That's film making though! Apparently the dailies were great (Jargon speak: "Dailies" refers to the shots taken, Sort of like reviewing your work. "The dailies came out great from the shoot yesterday".)

Getting up early sucks for me. Especially when it works out that I will be just sitting for a long, long time. I know everyone is reading this and making cry baby noises at me. I will take the ridicule like a man! A big, cry baby man! I hate 6am, I hate coffee and I hate being bored. I guess that's why Big time actors have doubles to sit in for them while the shots are set up and they get to play with their Uno Or Uma or whatever, back in the trailer. I would choose Uma every time, just in case you were wondering. :)

In fairness to the crew, the gal who was supposed to open the restaurant we were shooting in, didn't arrive until 8am. So we sat a hell of a long time!!! But, you can't get down on her either, after all she was doing us a favor. The restaurant is called the Vintage. It's in San Juan Capistrano. Great Steak house I hear. I can vouch for the atmosphere. It was a old passenger train car from the 20's I guess, and it was converted into a restaurant. Definitely a cool check out if you're in the neighborhood. Tell em Sandman sent ya. That will get you a free water with your meal, you're welcome :)

So the shoot went well once we started rolling. It was all mostly establishing for my character. No dialogue. They just wanted to show who my character was and why I am fed up with my job. Yes, also you guessed it, this is the beginning of the film. We probably did 20 to 25 takes and then wrapped the set. We had to be out before the lunch crowd came in. Luckily the director and the crew were really on top of things and it went very smoothly. We got the heck out of there and the director bought the cast and crew all lunch. It was a very good start to what I hope will be a very good film!
I'm noticing it is much harder to be "real" on film when it comes to being serious. Subtlety is key I suppose. To bad my face is made of rubber and stuffed with mimes!!!! This is going to be a challenge to not over act....

Thanks all for joining in on my adventures! The next one is about a mansion. Tune in!

"Fear is the sand in the machinery of life". - E. Stanley Jones

Jesse Steele


  1. Jesse -

    This is very cool. I love that your documenting this experience. I take it from your inference that you're the title character. I'm so proud of you!!! Who knew Ketchup could lead you to this? I threw my hat in the ring for "painter" But never heard back. Do you have a guy named Arash in the cast too?

    Keep posting....I'm looking forward to the next installment :)

  2. Love the addition of the do have a very expressive face! So glad the first day felt good.

  3. Cool post man. Have fun doing what you love.
