Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 1 of The Sandman: Read through

Yesterday was our principle get together and read through for the Film "The Sandman". Many of you know that I was cast as the lead and titular character. Many of you will also be excited to know that I have always wanted to use the word "titular" in a sentence. I have accomplished this goal as of about 5 seconds ago. It is a total honor and a huge step for me in my career to be leading up this amazing and talented cast. Everyone was very professional and cast perfectly for their roles! We all blew through it so smoothly and perfectly it made it a very rewarding experience for all of us and set the tone for a great relationship between us all...unlike a Prom date.

A Little about the film for those who aren't in the know...

The Sandman is a sort of take on "The Odyssey", if "The Odyssey" was about George Bailey from "It's a Wonderful Life" and written by Neil Gaiman. You have no idea what I'm talking about do you? That's OK :) I will give a brief synopsis...

In the world of Mother Nature and Father time, The Boogieman and Jack Frost, there lived the Sandman. Aside from having his own song ( ..bring me a dream, make him the cutest, that I've ever seen) and being the blame for and usually cause of endless amounts of numbers spray painted on sheep, he was a very normal everyday Joe. The Sandman worked very hard and was very reliable at his job (how did I get cast in this again?) Not unlike a mailman. He would sneak into unsuspecting people's windows at night and cover them in his "Magic Sand" to put them in a deep sleep and it is assumed make off with their jewelry or children or something, not unlike a mailman. He was starting to get fed up with the monotony and lack of thanks. So he grabbed his bag of grainy crystal like nodules and his AK-47 and set to work on everyone who dared wear the color purple or entered the local 7-11, not unlike a mailman.

OK, so I did a little falsifying there...not unlike a mailman. In actuality he is just discouraged by his thankless job. He admires everyone else in "The other realm" and all of their amazing jobs. Like "The Sun" and how she is the biggest "Star" in the sky. Everyone knows her and loves her! "Orion the Hunter is a spectacle to see. His neighborhood among the constellations burns the brightest. It is full of worshipped stars and they live the celebrity life. So apparently alot of blow and TMZ cameramen come and go from that little nook of heaven? Anyway, The Sandman decides he has had enough and wants to hop "The wall" separating his world and "Man's world" Everyone in man's world is so amazing? They live in the daylight, they get into fender benders they save money at lunch by getting free samples at Costco! Amazing! Like Don Quixote before him he longs to be in a different world than his own.

So he gives his boss (Father Time) his notice and is informed that in order to be allowed to quit he must first fetch an item for father time from his wife Mother Nature. There Sandy meets up with his old pal Jack Frost, a misunderstood artist. and is sent on another quest to fetch some milk guessed it, The Milky Way.... But what happens to all the dreamers in "Man's World" While Sandy is out on this odyssey to find his own place in the world?

I'm not revealing anymore, you'll have to follow my blog everyday to find out what was shot each day (starting tomorrow Tuesday the 12th of October) and to see some pics I will be taking from the set. I also will be blogging about anything that I feel I should say...which those of you that know me will understand that it may very well be from a different world as well...

Until then my friends, like sands in the hour glass, so are the days of our lives,

Peace, love and ellipses....

Jesse Steele


  1. I'm really looking forward to following your adventure - what role are you playing?

    It's "like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives :)

  2. Nanette and I are excited for you! You'll do a great job!

  3. I always wanted you to be on a soap opera.

  4. This is going to be fun for your fans, Jesse!
